Home » Police Discover Over 100 Human Teeth Mysteriously Buried at This Texas Property

Police Discover Over 100 Human Teeth Mysteriously Buried at This Texas Property

Police Discover Over 100 Human Teeth Mysteriously Buried at This Texas Property—

The small Texas town of Hondo recently made the headlines, but perhaps in a manner more disturbing than some would prefer. You see, Hondo PD received a call from a concerned homeowner after they found what they thought was loose teeth scattered in their yard.
It turns out that they were correct! That’s right, HUMAN TEETH were discovered, but not just a few. Following an unsettling investigation which involved a lot of digging, officers found over 100 real human teeth buried in the private property.
Hondo PD took to Facebook in a post that some… may find disturbing. But wait! There’s a perfectly normal explanation… well, I’m not sure it’s normal, but an explanation nonetheless.

  TheGreatTexasToothDiscoveryThetruthwasfinallyrevealedastowhysomanyhumanteethwerefoundonthisTexasproperty.Itturnsoutthatthehome’spreviousowners,upto70yearsago,werepracticingdentists.Survivingfamilymemberstoldpolicethatit’sanolddentisttraditiontoburyteethforgoodluckwhensellingahome… Ihaveafewques