Home » Texas man arrested for allegedly threatening and stalking Caitlin Clark

Texas man arrested for allegedly threatening and stalking Caitlin Clark

A Texas man was arrested in Indianapolis on charges of stalking WNBA star Caitlin Clark, authorities said Monday.—

A Texas man was arrested in Indianapolis on charges of stalking WNBA star Caitlin Clark, authorities said Monday.
Michael Thomas Lewis, a 55-year-old resident of Denton, faces one count of stalking for allegedly engaging in “course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of Caitlin Clark that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized,” Marion County prosecutors said in a complaint.

From Dec. 16 to Jan. 2, Lewis, who was arrested Sunday in Indianapolis, used X to send a series of vulgar, sexually charged messages to the WNBA’s rookie of the year, prosecutors said.

PoliceinterviewedClarkonSaturdayandtheIndianaFeversuperstarrevealedthatshe“hasbeenveryfearfulsincelearningofthemessagesandthatshehasalteredherpublicappearancesandpatternsofmovementduetofearforhersafety,”accordingtotheaffidavitsupportingLewis’arrest. “ClarkstatedthatshehasbecomeveryconcernedforhersafetyafterlearningthatLewiswasinIndianapolis,”thecomplaintsaid.“Clarkalsost